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    LA Central

    LA Central

    LA Central is a comedic spoof on selfie culture and the self-care industry, that delves deeper into issues behind appearances. Shining a light on narcissism found on social media and in places like LA, turns into candid self-reflexive art, captured on video in a downtown LA apartment. The real strengths of an American artist are on display in how neuro-plastic insights replace any impulse for plastic surgery or need for assurances sold by online guru entrepreneurs. 12:10

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    Bonkers for Flamingos

    Bonkers for Flamingos

    Sculptural moments and taking flight with an inflated flamingo at Pieter in LA 3:06

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    In the Frame

    In the Frame

    A window frame is a solid dance partner! Animations and music do up this semi-psychedelic and sometimes cartoonish giddy-up. Big Bend National park is a fantastic source of inspiration and backdrop in this video from the Lee Lee et Le Bus series. 5:09

  • Whole Lotta Nothin'

    Whole Lotta Nothin'

    Her brain baking in triple digit heat, Lee Lee’s inner steam punk makes moments about discovery and invention (of questionable utility). 7:33

  • Shenanigans


    In Shenanigans things left at an off-grid building site in the desert are worked into a dance of playful shenanigans and physical comedy .5:19

  • Together


    Together highlights a process of deeper listening and compositional choices that happen within that process of finding and connecting embodiment with sensation, space, time and the ground. 8:54

  • The Enormity

    The Enormity

    Watch an enormous number of movement and dance styles to a surprisingly diverse playlist. This video is edited to highlight contemporary takes on bygone eras and genres of influence in an epic dance done La Lee Lee style. 11:45

  • Raspberries in his Bowl

    Raspberries in his Bowl

    Are we in the matrix, yet? Nah, but the idea that we are is a jumping-off point for many a sci-fi, as well as this “flow of embodied consciousness” about a few things that matter like sister reptiles, affordable berries, the empire’s weaponry and pretend “how to” YouTubes. 10:24

  • Yogi Block-Age

    Yogi Block-Age

    Yogi Block-Age is way off of the yoga mat. Ya know, outside of the proverbial box? Unorthodox uses of yoga blocks and balls does not a yoga yogi make, but maybe another kind of yogi… 4:11

  • Plant Queendom

    Plant Queendom

    Body, plant and blanket morph through iterations to transport us to another time and place. Music connects the everyday with regal aspects of honor and honoring, as well as celebration.. 5:51

  • Always Love You

    Always Love You

    And I-eee-I will always love you…

    Lee Lee makes up a song with gestures that morph into a chorus of Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You, sung as if 13 going on 5. Things evolve quickly. Body languages and sounds spring from, let’s call it, the collective unconscious. Topics oscillate between love of so much and hate of obscene wealth and inequality while giving voice to morsels of Truth. 7:34

  • If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    The earth matters to literally everyone, but what ecological art piece has ever affected legislation?

    After taking part in the eco-dance trend of Berlin, Lee Lee has some fun with humorous sarcasm, as well as alignment on the subject. 9:22

  • When Making

    When Making

    An intimate take on life in the desert where in the middle of a work day, everything including Lee Lee’s partner is fair game for creative interaction in coping with high temps and boredom.14:08

  • Ignition


    Morning routines are put aside at the breakfast table to ignite brain, heart, and spirit. 4:32

  • If Steinbeck was a Dancer

    If Steinbeck was a Dancer

    "A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more." ~ John Steinbeck ·8:19

  • Nervous System Reset Dance

    Nervous System Reset Dance

    Can watching artistic, meditative dance reset your nervous system? If your nervous system becomes empathetic by being affected there’s a good chance of it. A beautiful Chihuahuan desert setting doesn’t hurt either. 11:33

  • Mona Sighs

    Mona Sighs

    Through repetition of song accompanied by fun gif visuals and a bit of Suffrage throwback costumery, Lee Lee sets out to free Monalisa of the limits of her image. Mona’s sigh is just the beginning, in this Lee Lee et Le Bus lockdown creation. 6:12

  • Institute Imagination

    Institute Imagination

    The local school becomes a playground for the imagination, as Lee Lee explores new perspectives that bring us into other senses of time 5:54

  • Big Bend Fancy Dance Pants

    Big Bend Fancy Dance Pants

    Dream up a new take on the old West in this epic imaginative cinematic triptych with character and movement, from basketball court to canyon in Big Bend, TX 8:32

  • Bring It

    Bring It

    A pep talk for the game of life is sprinkled with spritely examples.

  • Flow Sister, Go Sister

    Flow Sister, Go Sister

    A journey from land to the underworld and into calm waters

    (With cool, new video effects). 5:52

  • Variation on Goldberg Variations

    Variation on Goldberg Variations

    Many choreographers set their work to Goldberg Variations by Bach…Lee Lee does too, here, but this video is about more than choreography. There’s also movement research, playful relating to you and the presence of the giant Pieter space.

  • Holiday No Cap Joy

    Holiday No Cap Joy

    Complexities of the holiday unfold, but Lee Lee comes up with a simple antidote- be the Spirit of the holiday.

  • Croissant is Life

    Croissant is Life

    Lee Lee voices la raison de etre and mythologizes the origins of her weekly Lee Lee et Le Bus show while walking through the desert neighborhood. Characters surface through light hearted, on the fly songs, joy rituals and humorously balanced kill joy voices that surfaced during lockdowns. 11:06