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  • Ignition


    Morning routines are put aside at the breakfast table to ignite brain, heart, and spirit. 4:32

  • Whole Lotta Nothin'

    Whole Lotta Nothin'

    Her brain baking in triple digit heat, Lee Lee’s inner steam punk makes moments about discovery and invention (of questionable utility). 7:33

  • Raspberries in his Bowl

    Raspberries in his Bowl

    Are we in the matrix, yet? Nah, but the idea that we are is a jumping-off point for many a sci-fi, as well as this “flow of embodied consciousness” about a few things that matter like sister reptiles, affordable berries, the empire’s weaponry and pretend “how to” YouTubes. 10:24

  • If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    The earth matters to literally everyone, but what ecological art piece has ever affected legislation?

    After taking part in the eco-dance trend of Berlin, Lee Lee has some fun with humorous sarcasm, as well as alignment on the subject. 9:22

  • Preview
    LA Central

    LA Central

    LA Central is a comedic spoof on selfie culture and the self-care industry, that delves deeper into issues behind appearances. Shining a light on narcissism found on social media and in places like LA, turns into candid self-reflexive art, captured on video in a downtown LA apartment. The real strengths of an American artist are on display in how neuro-plastic insights replace any impulse for plastic surgery or need for assurances sold by online guru entrepreneurs. 12:10

  • Holiday No Cap Joy

    Holiday No Cap Joy

    Complexities of the holiday unfold, but Lee Lee comes up with a simple antidote- be the Spirit of the holiday.