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  • The Enormity

    The Enormity

    Watch an enormous number of movement and dance styles to a surprisingly diverse playlist. This video is edited to highlight contemporary takes on bygone eras and genres of influence in an epic dance done La Lee Lee style. 11:45

  • Together


    Together highlights a process of deeper listening and compositional choices that happen within that process of finding and connecting embodiment with sensation, space, time and the ground. 8:54

  • If Steinbeck was a Dancer

    If Steinbeck was a Dancer

    "A kind of light spread out from her. And everything changed color. And the world opened out. And a day was good to awaken to. And there were no limits to anything. And the people of the world were good and handsome. And I was not afraid any more." ~ John Steinbeck ·8:19

  • Nervous System Reset Dance

    Nervous System Reset Dance

    Can watching artistic, meditative dance reset your nervous system? If your nervous system becomes empathetic by being affected there’s a good chance of it. A beautiful Chihuahuan desert setting doesn’t hurt either. 11:33

  • Yogi Block-Age

    Yogi Block-Age

    Yogi Block-Age is way off of the yoga mat. Ya know, outside of the proverbial box? Unorthodox uses of yoga blocks and balls does not a yoga yogi make, but maybe another kind of yogi… 4:11

  • If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    If We Were Berliner Ecofeminist Artist

    The earth matters to literally everyone, but what ecological art piece has ever affected legislation?

    After taking part in the eco-dance trend of Berlin, Lee Lee has some fun with humorous sarcasm, as well as alignment on the subject. 9:22

  • Variation on Goldberg Variations

    Variation on Goldberg Variations

    Many choreographers set their work to Goldberg Variations by Bach…Lee Lee does too, here, but this video is about more than choreography. There’s also movement research, playful relating to you and the presence of the giant Pieter space.