Hot as Hades, no one around for miles…what would you do?
Her brain baking in triple digit heat, Lee Lee’s inner steam punk makes moments about discovery and invention (of questionable utility).
unThinging Bundle - 3 Videos
One time
Anytime Access to 3 unThinging videos. How do you un-thing a thing? Dance it out of its typical utility. Mess with its meaning. The movement of a thing and the body inform each other. New artistic territories emerge. Included: 1. Bonkers for Flamingos, 2. Yogi Block-Age, 3. Whole Lotta Nothin
or look for Whole Lotta Nothin’, here:
24/24 Video Special
Every month
Get anytime access to 24 La Lee Lee videos, 24 hrs a day. Each month two new videos are added and two go away, keeping your art-entertainment fresh and engaging every single month.