Time is the Big Gift
How often do you let an entire day go by without immersing yourself in fresh, inspired territories? Ya know, finding a flow, even if in fits and starts. When focusing on creative potential instead of another problem (or problems you don’t even have) a whole new world opens up.
Can we can agree that the cultural practice of using free time to ruminate about what’s not working, is well, not working? And 2024 is problem central, right? There’s always another problem that can steal our focus. We live in a time where sinking all kinds of time into making a problem out of differences of opinions with strangers online has been normalized.
What if problems are such a big focus because other people need to make a living off of pointing out problems? They may be mainstream media, influencers, self-help entrepreneurs, transformational coaches, churches, therapists, insurance brokers, lawyers…
When I was putting a lot into my own therapy, as well as learning different threapeutic modalities and administering them, I didn’t realize how imbalanced my focus had become. It wasn’t until I got out of my routine and started to tour dance and video, where I could be creative regularly and meet all kinds of people, that I realized I had been over focused on problems. The more trauma I found the more there was to heal. Energy flows where attention goes.
Ever look at animals and think why don’t I be more like them? They’re not looking for problems and they experience a fair number of simple pleasures.
What if instead of focusing so much on problems, we focused on free time to do nothing, day dream, let inspiration surface and let the day unfold, as a naturally creative act?
Even a creative practice can be about mostly doing nothing. Material comes out of there being space. Regeneration happens from rest. Inspiration can come from nowhere…
Ready to begin? Ok, do nothing. Next, feel the air on your skin or just see what unfolds…